College and High School seniors. Now is a perfect time to have us create your senior portraits. It is finally cooling off and the holidays are coming which means you can wrap a framed senior portrait for your grandma or mom and dad. Many of the yearbook deadlines for senior salutation pages are coming due too. Call us now at 407-786-3971 to schedule your session. Congratulations seniors!
Patience – quietly and steadily persevering or diligent, especially in detail or exactness. Whether we photograph nature or people, we have to be patient and make sure the lighting is right, a pose looks natural, the background is not overpowering, and more. All while being able to enjoy the experience. Call us to experience true professional photography and timeless portraits that will last a lifetime.
Come see a home game and support the Apopka girls volleyball team. Let Kon Studio create an Intimidator Banner for your sports team! Call 407-786-3971 for your custom quote.
Back to school is here. It is always great to photograph the seniors and juniors that make up the officers of the Apopka High’s SGA. Their portraits that were created by Kon Studio are printed and hung in the cafeteria for everyone in the school to see. Thanks to Mr. Peters and everyone in SGA for a great start to the 2019-2020 school year.
2020 Seniors, even though you have to use the school’s contracted yearbook photographer for your yearbook pic, your Senior Portraits can be created by us here at Kon Studio. Images that ‘Capture the Essence of You’. Images that you are excited and proud to give and send to friends and family. Images that will last and be cherished for your lifetime and beyond with your kids and their children one day. Yes, you deserve better. You need the professionals from […]
Do you want to give her something that will last a lifetime? Do you want to bring happy tears to her eyes? Call 407-786-3971, purchase, and pick up your Kon Studio gift certificate. Promise to get the family together so that Kon Studio can create your family portrait.
High ISO, slow shutter speed, wide open F-stop, all manual settings along with with a sturdy wall to rest on and a steady camera hold. After that a little post editing in Photoshop. All of this we used to do with film using multiple exposures on film sandwiched together in the darkroom. If you want to learn more about what you can do with your camera, how to use your manual settings, composition, and angle, contact us at 407-786-3971 or […]
High ISO, slow shutter speed, wide open F-stop, all manual settings along with with a sturdy wall to rest on and a steady camera hold. After that a little post editing in Photoshop. All of this we used to do with film using multiple exposures on film sandwiched together in the darkroom. If you want to learn more about what you can do with your camera and how to use your manual settings, contact us at 407-786-3971 or by email […]
Capturing the Essence of You has been our mission and passion ever since we opened our studio 35 years ago. Every living being has a personality and we love it when we can capture different sides of people and animals in one shoot. Here is an example which we just created. A local parent barred owl was trying to ignore us but once we caught its attention then like everyone decided to give us some natural poses. Even the first […]
Anytime you can get your family together is a perfect time to call us to come out and create for your family. We have the correct professional lighting, equipment, posing techniques and post editing to make your perfect portrait. For some families that are spread all over the world, this might be a once in a lifetime event. Some families, it becomes a tradition and a yearly event. Either way, you can trust us to create and print your legacy. […]
Nature was all around us at the Black Point Wildlife Drive in Merritt Island. Birds, alligators, bugs, and plants were ready for their photography session. If you get a chance take a ride out through Titusville and head out to the drive. From there you can continue to Cape Canaveral Seashore. Here you will be able to experience a pristine Florida beach with no hotels or stores. Natural Florida.
Kon Studio – Capturing the Essence of you and every living being.
What does your business, your products, your image, and Kon Studio all have in common? Professional photographic images. Your business needs them. Kon Studio produces them. Whether you want natural light or studio light, Kon Studio has the expertise to make the best images for your company. High-quality images mean higher sales or higher markup for you and your business. Call Kon Studio now to schedule a free consultation to make your vision of your product come to life.
Creating beautiful portraits for Lake Brantley LaCrosse for the 18th year! So much fun! #LakeBrantley, #photography, #photographers, #konstudio, #professionalphotographers, #lacrosse