Having family coming into town for a reunion or to visit?
Do you have family coming to town for a high school or college graduation, a family reunion, a wedding or just to visit and...
2018 SGA at Apopka High School’s senior prom
This past Saturday, Apopka High School held its 2018 prom at the Hilton Orlando. Everyone looked fantastic and had a great time. Congratulations to...
What can Kon Studio do for you and your business?
If it is not listed here we can probably still create it. Contact us so we see what we can create for you and...
Get a gift that Every mom wants
We hear it all of the time from moms. ‘I wish my family would go along with me and get a professional family...
Sweetwater Garden Club Fair
It was so good to see many of our clients enjoying a beautiful Saturday and meet many new people that now know about Kon...
Nature photography at Lake Apopka wildlife drive
Great Blue Heron — at Lake Apopka Wildlife Drive. Wildlife photography takes patience, knowing how to use your camera on manual settings, the right light, and...
What size wall portrait should you put on your wall
Once you schedule your family portrait at Kon Studio of Photography, look at the area that you think you will be displaying your beautiful...
A new Kon Studio wedding Thank you card.
We love when our clients tells us about what we have created and captured for them. Here is a new Thank you that we...
Kon Studio’s Intimidator Banner
Kon Studio is more than a professional photography studio. We are a professional graphic arts, retouch and restoration studio too. Here is a...
Help N.A.S.A. by photo editing images from Juno
NASA has a website for all of you post-editing gurus out there. They allow you to download images taken from the spacecraft Juno....
A Thank you from a client
Nancy and I love to create images of all kinds for our clients. We love getting mail from our clients expressing their feelings about...
introducing our NEW DIGITAL only Senior Package
Do you still want Kon Studio High Quality Portraits, BUT you want them digitally so you can print them yourself? Here it is! We...
Your Image is Everything
Can you afford not to put forth your very best image? Look at what we can do for you and your business. Give us...
2 week Cap n Gown Portrait specials
Special Package pricing for the next 2 weeks on Cap n Gown Portraits. Have your graduate dress up on last time for 2017.
Meet the new 2017 Miss Apopka
We had the great pleasure to create for the Kyndle Dennis, the new 2017 Miss Apopka. Look for her when you are out supporting...
Store Photos for Next Generation
Will you and your family be a part of the Lost Generation? Click below to find out how to store your pictures for future...