‘Capturing the Essence of You’ is in everything we photograph

Capturing the Essence of You has been our mission and passion ever since we opened our studio 35 years ago. Every living being has a personality and we love it when we can capture different sides of people and animals in one shoot. Here is an example which we just created. A local parent barred owl was trying to ignore us but once we caught its attention then like everyone decided to give us some natural poses. Even the first picture is it was saying “Really! You want me to stop looking for food to pose for you?”. From there he or she went along with a quick photo shoot.
As Imagine Our Florida, an educational wildlife 501(c)(3) organization always teaches – Connect, Respect, and Coexist. www.imagineourflorida.org
#konstudio #photographers #professionalphotographers #wildlifephotography barredowl birding wildlife photography birds birdsofinstagram highschoolseniorpictures Longwood naturephotgraphy Orlando owl owllover owllovers owls owlsofinstagram photography Pictures seniorportraits wildlife
Dan Kon
April 18, 2019
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